News > Paper Accepted at Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)

A new article (authored by Daniel Romero, Guillaume Fieni, Pierre Rust, Romain Rouvoy) has been recently accepted by the Journal Open Source Software (JOSS).

PowerAPI: A Python framework for building software-defined power meters

Summary: Software that we use daily for accessing digital services from connected devices has a negative impact on the environment as it consumes energy. These digital services, hosted by physical machines around the world, also contribute to planetary pollution. Unfortunately, providers of these online services mostly focus on hardware efficiency to reduce the environmental impact without considering the software they host. For this reason, we propose PowerAPI (G. Fieni, Romero, et al., 2024), a software-defined solution that delivers real-time estimations of software power consumption to spot opportunities to reduce it and therefore to limit their impact on the planet beyond hardware improvements.

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PowerAPI: A Python framework for building software-defined power meters. Guillaume Fieni, Daniel Romero Acero, Pierre Rust, Romain Rouvoy. Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), 2024, 9 (98), pp.6670. ⟨10.21105/joss.06670⟩.